Tuesday, October 20, 2015

AIRBOX- friend or foe (air jettings)

Facts Or Fiction

          There is a very common belief that getting rid of all the restriction from the air box is about the best thing you can do.  Wow! Really. Just think of all the horsepower, and it's practically free.  Isn't it strange then, that all the manufacturers build model after model, year after year with those restrictive air boxes?  Don't they read the same magazines as we do?  If they did, they would certainly learn about all of the ways to get rid of all that nasty old restriction, right?

          Maybe not.  Let's look at the physics of how fuel enters your intake system.  The atmospheric pressure exerts force on the fuel in your float bowl, forcing it through your jetting circuits, into the air stream passing through your carburetor.  In order for this process to work, the internal pressure in your carburetor must be lower than atmospheric.  Pretty simple.   If you have removed your air box, cut a number of holes in it or are running without a lid, you may be in for a surprise.  Your internal pressure is now nearly the same as atmospheric, making fuel delivery difficult.

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